Mental Wealth with Fay
My name is Fay Bjayou and I’m a mental health specialist with a passion for science and self-development. My Mental Wealth podcast will address fascinating areas of study that will help raise mental health awareness and inspire personal growth. Join us each week as we welcome leading authorities from the world of psychology and neuroscience who will share valuable insights to help improve and empower your daily life.
Mental Wealth with Fay
Neurogenesis: How can we help generate new brain cells? Interview with Dr. Brant Cortright
Mental Wealth
What is neurogenesis and why is it so important?
In our latest interview, we discuss the fascinating topic of Neurogenesis with clinical psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Brant Cortright. Contrary to earlier scientific claims, we now know that humans can grow new brain cells throughout adult life which has profound implications on our mood and cognitive function. We discuss the science behind neurogenesis and learn more about key nutrition and lifestyle changes that help boost brain power and stimulate the formation of new neurons.